News for December, 2012

Anna Helen Yap | December 14, 2012

The Philippines is located at the apex of the Coral Triangle and is acknowledged as the world’s center of marine biodiversity (Carpenter and Springer, 2005). It’s colorful reefs are home to thousands of marine species which provide food and alternative livelihood through eco-tourism businesses in coastal areas. Sadly, the degradation of coastal ecosystems are highly evident as revealed by high levels of threats (overfishing, destructive fishing practices, unsustainable coastal development, sedimentation and pollution) on coral reefs (Burke et al., 2002, 2011).

Anna Helen Yap | December 14, 2012

"When we hear the terms fishing and/or coastal resource management (CRM), generally we think of it as a man's thing because our cultural orientation tells us that men ought to be the earners and the women, home makers.", says Maria Venidez Gamale, project coordinator of Communities Learning to Stop Abuse and Nurture Social Empowerment (CLEANSE) Project.